GPX File Filtering Tool

Use this tool to filter waypoints, tracks, and routes from a GPX file based on latitude and longitude boundaries. The filtered GPX file will include all relevant data such as waypoint icons and track colors.

For Humminbirds, use the GPX file created from Humminbird PC. You can convert HWR and HT files to GPX using GPS Babel but the icons will not transfer.

  1. Enter a new file name (must be a single word, no spaces).
  2. Specify the latitude and longitude boundaries in decimal degrees (e.g., "31.00000"or "-95.00000").
  3. Upload your GPX file.
  4. Click "Filter and Download GPX" to generate the filtered file.

GPX File Conversion Tool

Use this tool to convert GPX files to CSV for editing and then convert them back to GPX.

Convert GPX to CSV

Upload your GPX file below:

Convert CSV to GPX

Select the target device:

Upload your CSV file below:

Edit your waypoint files

View the waypoint icons pdf so you can edit your files correctly.